Learn options trading
for just $5 bucks!

Heard about options trading but don't know where to start? We show you everything you need for the price of a cup of coffee!

Try It For $5
172 Reviews

    What you get:

    • Step by Step Beginner Level Training & Education
    • Daily Pre-market Watchlist
    • Exact Ticker, Strike Price, Expiration Date, Potential Entry, & Stop Loss %
    • Daily Trading Journal
    Learn A New Skill Today!

    "...made the fee plus extra back"

    Just a pessimist here who decided to give this system a shot. Saw their ad this past Monday and decided to take a leap of faith. Figured it was worth a shot.

    This morning I got my alerts and decided to take the recommended action on two of the four alerts that Option Bandits sent (META and TSM). Now call it first time luck but I made the fee plus extra back. Couple of notes...I am not an expert but also not a beginner.

    I use Robinhood for trading (For all the hate the platform gets I seem to have been doing well with it). For viewing charts I use Tradingview. Looking forward to tomorrow's alerts. Wish others who decided to get in much success.

    Amir Ahmed

    "...after one day I was up $280"

    Decided to give this a try after having already used another subscription service.

    I set aside $250 to use on the watchlist alerts and after one day I was up $280 and made my initial investment back.

    Haven't been using for long but as of the current moment in time, I'm happy with it. Looking forward to future signals.

    Eric Sprunt

    Uhh...What Are You Waiting For?